Thursday, February 26, 2015

Slovenian Political Satire

First part of the lyrics: First of all, let me explain what I've been asked a lot of times: Gašpar is my name Gašpar Mišič is my surname. I'm not a crook, I've been supported by Boris Popovič. I don't need any experience, Alenka, kiss my ass, b*tch. I deserve an applause, applause, applause. I deserve an applause, applause. I deserve an applause, applause I deserve. I don't want to listen to your nonsense (?). Applause, applause, applause.

Second par of the lyrics: I didn't give any bribe for the port, port (*port Koper) and I wasn't tormented by sleeping with anyone. I worked hard for everything, I never f*cked up. I never slaughtered somebody with a bazooka (?). The lies are far from the truth, look at the birds, up there on the branch, listen to the birds. Did you hear that? They said CIV CIV, Gašper is not guilty.

Third part of the lyrics: I am always prepared to be in the limelights. Nobody will sweep the floors with me, stop with the harrasment. I am a leader deep in the heart, if I will not succeed in the port (*Koper), I will clean my good name as a host of TV news. Good evening! Exclusive news! Gašpar Gašpar Mišič deserves an appology! I can guarantee you that he ABSOLUTELY wasn't appointed by politics, this is why we should give him a big applause! CIV CIV, CIV CIV, CIIIIIV CIIIV (*the birds)

Fourth part of the lyrics: I deserve an applause, applause, applause. I deserve an applause, applause. I deserve an applause, applause I deserve. Who doesn't applause, is a hillbilly. Applause, applause, applause.

Last part: There, in the lake! Listen to the ducks. Have you heard? They said GA GA, you will be saved by Lord Gaga. GAGA GAGA GA GA.

OK, let's try with the lyrics and the explanation: Gašpar Gašpar Mišič is a sleazy wannabe politician, who was involved in some of the greatest scandals in slovenian past. A month ago, it was revealed that he will be appointed as a supervisor at our only port, port Koper. He is known for his affiliation with the mayor of Koper, which is a well-known crook, if not a criminal (a lot of cases are in the court) - Boris Popovič (mentioned in the song). Alenka is Alenka Bratušek, our premier.
- translation/explanation by tevtica

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