Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Big Tools

from Wikipedia:
The title references an idea first conceived by Carl Jung and later expounded upon by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state. The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek.

Furthermore, the song references a wish to experience change through the "shadow"; an idea which represents the parts of one's identity that one hates, fears, and represses, this exists as a recurring theme in the work of Carl Jung.


  1. What does the title of this post mean? Lol!

  2. it simply means that this cover of Tool's 46&2 is every bit as good as the original!

  3. The kids are amazing!

    Great lyrics, too.
    Tool has some great songs....very insightful.

  4. Now to go on digging through my old numb shadow some more... ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think you and I have made each other's shadows more conscious, and hopefully we're not projecting quite as much as in the past. Hopefully. ;-)

    How many sock puppets do you have now? ;-)

  7. Hmmm. Not too many. Thersites, -FJ, Joe Conservative, Speedy, Absolute Marxist, Cornfuzed Democrat, Stanley, Titan Uranus, Glenn Becks No1 Fan, Red Herring, Inspector AIPac, pShaw Kenawe, and four extreme Leftists who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.

    We ALL got websites. ;)

  8. ...but I have been falling behind on keeping them up.

  9. ...of course, this one is inactive unless its' namesake is impersonating me.

  10. Hmmm... I guess that not all of those links worked out properly. Sorry!

  11. Which do you find the most offensive? Stanley? Titan? or Stitch (aka Cornfuzed Democrat)?

  12. Offensive? Nah. I feel sad / confused by a couple

  13. Your the Patty Smith avatar, too, right?

  14. Patty Smith? I don't think so... I gave up all my female avatars (Bertie, et al)

  15. I suppose my "pShaw" is a female, but it's only temporary... it'll go back to Inspector AIPac once her "friend" PERMANENTLY stops using my -FJ avatar.

  16. What is the purpose of Stanley?

  17. To argue with feminists and enfuriate them... much as Titan serves to argue with homosexuals and enfuriate them... and Glenn Beck's No.1 Fan to argue with progressives and enfuriate them.

    THEY represent "the other's" "Strawman" of what Conservative thought represents... the "imaginary" bogeyman.

    I want to set up an extremely racist sock puppet... but I suspect it would get me fired.

  18. Inspector AIPac's "Jewishness" is the closest I have come to dealing directly with "racism".

  19. But why? If you're creating straw men, it only reinforces the stereotypes. So are you doing it?

  20. No. SO that they can see that my argument of the moment in no way, shape or form resembles' the stereotype... and perhaps STOP making up these facile strawmen as representatives of conservative thought.

    The straw men only serve to prevent a meeting of minds. One normally "rejects" out-of-hand a Nazi or racists argument (the strawman). But at some point, we all need to look BEYOND the strawmen and deal with the arguments ACTUALLY presented, not some suspected prima facia "evil" hidden motives.

    "Grace" involves accepting people for who they REALLY are, NOT who you believe them to be. (the stereotypes).

    And if you unable to display a certain "grace" in your argumentation, it says something more about you, than it does, me.

  21. ...and besides. My puppets do goad my adversaries into engaging with me. :)

  22. "Grace" involves accepting people for who they REALLY are, NOT who you believe them to be. (the stereotypes).

    And if you unable to display a certain "grace" in your argumentation, it says something more about you, than it does, me.

    Of course.
    But how many people truly want a meeting of the minds? I can name a handful of bloggers....

    I don't really care, to be honest. It feels good to not care.

    The behavior of many bloggers on both sides of the aisle has me thinking there's little if anything worth commenting on.

  23. You either talk or you fight. Politics is war by other means.
